2021 Chawangpu Jinggu Gu Shu Long Zhu 8g
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Because we usually not offer samples in recent years, we decide to make two kind of high-end Jinggu ancient tree tea long zhu (dragon ball) to help you understand our Jinggu line quality. These are hand processed and hand shaped.
This "Blue label" long zhu is made from same gardens like Jinggu Zi De 2017 and Jinggu Zi Zai 2020. The tea garden in Xiao Jinggu is 150-200 years old and no small trees. Mostly Zhong ye zhong tree varietal and some Da ye zhong(originally from Mengku area).
This year the quality is quite good. Heavy orchid aroma, rich and complex, powerful, slightly bitter, rich with heavy aroma, sweet taste, fast huigan. This tea can be brewed for many times.
This tea is pesticide free and 100% organic.
Manufacturer : Cha Wang Shop
Production date: Harvest April 2021
Harvest Area : Jinggu, Simao
Weight :8g

Price | $2.20 |
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