2020 Chawangpu NanZhao Raw Puerh Cake 200g
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Nanzhao is our special blend tea made from three different materials from 2014 to 2017. Ancient tree tea from Jinggu and Mengku areas are the main ingredients. Historically, the very famous Xiaguan Mushroom tuo tea is also made from the raw materials of these two areas.
We specially make this cake tea which can be stored and aged for a long time, and the quantity is very small.
Powerful, slightly bitter, rich complex taste, balanced aroma, sweet taste, fast huigan.
Manufacturer : Cha Wang Shop
Production date: Harvest 2014 - 2017, pressed in 2020
Harvest Area : Blend of three different area (Mengku, Jinggu, Mengla)
Weight : 200g per cake, 5 cakes in one bamboo tong - 1kg

Price | $42.00 |
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